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You're viewing Demon Spawn Akuma Cheat Codes

Game Name : Demon Spawn Akuma
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2005-11-04 21:30:11
Views : 13900

Cheat mode
Press [Enter] during game play to display the input prompt:

Code - Result:

Icompletedthisghostgame - Enter the unreal world
IfIwantIgotit (item number) - Obtain items
Yougainasoneplease (weapon number) - Obtain indicated weapon
Seethesilverlining - Brighter display
Showmetheworld - Reveal entire card and opponent positions
Thefierceunknownpower - 99 99 Magic
Thegreathealthpower - 99 99 Health
Thehealthyspiritpower - 99 99 Intelligence
Theoriginaldexteritypower - 99 99 Dexterity
Therealmusclepower - 99 99 Strength
ThesoulHunter'sholyPower - 10 99 Power
Youcansaymoneyiseverything - 10000 Extra money

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